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    • The Michael Porter Diamond approach. Level of international competitiveness of the Mennonite cheesemaking industry in Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua, Mexico 

      Cavazos González, Laura Elizabeth (Universidad del Pacífico. Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, 2022)
      Faced with globalization and its impacts on the promotion of trade, local consumers gained access to international brands and entrepreneurs were able to offer their goods and services in other climes, translating into an ...
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    • The Pacific Alliance and ASEAN: opportunities and challenges in the strengthening of ties 

      Baroni, Paola Andrea; Spagnolo, Tamara (Universidad del Pacífico. Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, 2022)
      ASEAN countries have a limited impact on the trade of Pacific Alliance (PA) countries, although Chile and Peru have trade agreements with some of them. However, and parallel to an incipient growth in trade flows, there ...
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    • The pursuit of external knowledge in eco-innovation: analysis of the agri-food sector in Spain 

      Avellaneda Rivera, Laura M.; González Moreno, Ángela; Sáez Martínez, Francisco J. (Universidad del Pacífico. Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, 2018)
      The research about the search for opportunities through open cooperation strategies points to an exchange of knowledge among a certain number of sources, aimed at sustaining competitive advantage. From this new vision ...
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    • The role of intra-regional trade in the Pacific Alliance's integration into Asia-Pacific 

      Mazuelos Carpio, André Alejandro; Yangali Vargas, Juan Junior (Universidad del Pacífico. Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, 2022)
      One of the objectives of the Pacific Alliance is trade integration orientated towards Asia-Pacific; However, the integration of the bloc’s members into that region’s markets is circumscribed by their low levels of ...
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    • The role of responsible management in job satisfaction and performance within banking firms 

      Borboa Álvarez, Edith Patricia; Valdez Juárez, Luis Enrique; Limón Ulloa, Roberto; Hernández Ponce, Oscar Ernesto; Saucedo Monarque, Javier (Universidad del Pacífico. Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, 2020-12)
      In recent years the need for responsible management of financial institutions, in terms of organizational commitment to supporting society and strategies for sustainable economic development, has become increasingly pressing. ...
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    • The situation of management research in Peru: A bibliometric analysis in the Bicentennial 

      Ortigueira-Sánchez, Luis Camilo; Risco-Martínez, Santiago Luis (Universidad del Pacífico. Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, 2021)
      In 2021, Peru celebrated 200 years of independence, marking an important milestone in its history, which leads us to the following question: In these 200 years, how much progress has been made in business studies in Peru? ...
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    • The teacher as a source of student inspiration: a qualitative study in a business school 

      Mayorga Gutiérrez, David; Hernani Merino, Martín; Yompian, Mariana (Universidad del Pacífico. Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, 2023)
      Teachers are an important source of inspiration for their students. Although educational research considers inspiration to be an important motivational construct that generates positive results for students, the different ...
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    • Los tipos de cultura y su relación con la rotación organizacional 

      Fuchs Ángeles, Ros María; Torres, Carla (Universidad del Pacífico. Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, 2012)
      La rotación de personal es una de las grandes preocupaciones del entorno empresarial. Uno de los factores que merece la pena estudiar para evitarla es la cultura organizacional. En este artículo se presenta una revisión ...
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    • Trabajo de investigación Arrendamiento 

      Franco Concha, Pedro (Universidad del Pacífico. Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, 2011)
      En agosto de 2010, La International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) y Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) presentó un proyecto que propone un nuevo modelo de tratamiento contable para el arrendamiento. El propósito ...
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    • Tratamiento contable de la provisión por cierre de minas 

      Franco Concha, Pedro; Angulo, Mariaelena; Cáceres, Rosa; Yamashiro, Isabel (Universidad del Pacífico. Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, 2011)
      La Ley del Impuesto a la Renta vigente y su Reglamento no mencionan ni reconocen a la Provisión por Cierre de Minas1 como gasto deducible para efectos del cálculo de la renta neta imponible 2, lo que genera un vacío legal ...
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    • Validation of a scale for the evaluation of the dimensions of short break tourist destination 

      Hamann, Antonieta; Hernani Merino, Martín; Tarazona Vargas, Enver Gerald (Universidad del Pacífico. Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, 2023)
      The present study’s aim is to design, construct and validate an instrument that allows for the measurement of the dimensions for short break tourist destination. The instrument was comprised of 29 items that were applied ...
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    • Valoración del diseño estratégico de una compañía hotelera a través de indicadores cualitativos y cuantitativos 

      Gómez-Selemeneva, Dinaidys; Romero-Lamorú, Idalia; Solís Corvo, María (Universidad del Pacífico. Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, 2014)
      El proceso de diseño estratégico y la posterior evaluación de resultados así como su retroalimentación y control constituyen momentos claves en la gestión de una organización. Esta es por tanto una temática de gran relevancia ...
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    • Value co-creation in ecotourism: finding solutions in a digital era 

      Hernández-López, Laura; Barrio García, Salvador del (Universidad del Pacífico. Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, 2018)
      This study aims to identify the main actors in the ecotourism online value co-creation ecosystem. With the ever-increasing demand to which the ecotourism sector has been subject in recent years, there is a need for business ...
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    • ¿Vencen al mercado?: el caso de los fondos mutuos de renta fija en el mercado peruano 

      Yong Manrique, Alexis Siwaig (Universidad del Pacífico. Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, 2011)
      El presente documento analiza las características de rendimiento de los fondos mutuos de renta fija en Perú. La evidencia muestra que el promedio de los fondos de renta fija no llegan a ofrecer beneficios ajustados por ...
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    • Worker cooperatives and their entrepreneurial process: theoretical foundations and empirical evidence from the worker cooperatives established in the Valencian Community, 2008-2014 

      Monreal Garrido, Manuel (Universidad del Pacífico. Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, 2018)
      The context of worker cooperatives is significantly different from that of traditional firms, and so the study of entrepreneurship also differs considerably. The analysis of the creation of worker cooperatives requires ...
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