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dc.contributor.authorYamada Fukusaki, Gustavo
dc.contributor.authorCastro, Juan Francisco
dc.contributor.authorBeltrán B., Arlette
dc.contributor.authorCárdenas, María A.
dc.identifier.citationYamada, G., Castro, J., Beltrán, A., & Cárdenas, M. (2007). Educational attainment, growth and poverty reduction within the MDG framework: simulations and costing for the Peruvian case. Lima: Universidad del Pacífico, Centro de Investigación. Recuperado de
dc.description.abstractWe propose a model that accounts for the potential feedback between schooling performance, human capital accumulation and long run GDP growth, and links these results with poverty incidence. Our simulation exercise takes into account targets for education indicators and GDP growth itself (as arguments in our planner’s loss function) and provides two conclusions: (i) with additional funds which amount to 1% of GDP each year, public intervention could add, by year 2015, an extra 0.89 and 1.80 percentage points in terms of long-run GDP growth and permanent reduction in poverty incidence, respectively; and (ii) in order to engineer an intervention in the educational sector so as to transfer households the necessary assets to attain a larger income generation potential in the long run, we need to extend the original set of MDG indicators to account for access to higher educational levels besides primary.en
dc.publisherUniversidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigaciónes_PE
dc.relation.ispartofseriesDocumento de discusión;n° DD/07/08
dc.sourceRepositorio de la Universidad del Pacífico - UPes_PE
dc.sourceUniversidad del Pacíficoes_PE
dc.subjectDesarrollo sociales_PE
dc.subjectCapital humanoes_PE
dc.subjectProducto bruto internoes_PE
dc.titleEducational attainment, growth and poverty reduction within the MDG framework: simulations and costing for the Peruvian casees_PE

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  • Documentos CIUP [195]
    Centro de Investigación de la Universidad del Pacífico

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