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    • Douglass North y la nueva historia económica 

      Fernández-Baca, Jorge (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 1994-01)
      El aporte más importante de Douglass North a la teoría económica es su énfasis en el rol facilitador que juega un marco institucional favorable para la creación de las condiciones necesarias que hacen posible el desarrollo ...
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    • Proyecto colonial y control ideológico. El establecimiento de la Inquisición en el Perú 

      Guibovich Pérez, Pedro (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 1994-07)
      In this article the author analyses the reasons why the Spanish state established the Tribunal de la Inquisición in the Viceroyalty of Peru in 1569. lt claims that this institution was part of a colonial political design ...
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    • Profesionales, esposas y madres. Egresadas de la Universidad del Pacífico 1980-1985 

      Kogan, Liuba (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 1994-07)
      This essay is the result of a research project about the current position of women who studied at Universidad del Pacífico between 1980 and 1985. It describes the difficulties they encountered, and strategies they developed ...
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    • Los retos del sector agroexportador. El caso del espárrago 

      Mathews, Juan Carlos (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 1994-07)
      The new environment in which agroindustry activity operates in Peru, proves that comparative advantages alone are not enough to compete in the international market. The development of the asparagus industry in our country ...
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    • Salarios mínimos en el Perú. ¿Cuándo dejaron de ser importantes? 

      Yamada Fukusaki, Gustavo; Bazán, Ernesto (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 1994-07)
      This paper studies the minimum wages' impact in the Peruvian economy through causality tests with time series available. It finds that minimum wages have lost all importance in the labor market both in a “populist“ government ...
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    • ¿Es relevante la coca? “Narcodólares” y el tipo de cambio real 

      Cruz-Saco Oyague, María Amparo; Revilla, Julio; Seminario, Bruno (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 1994-07)
      This article examines the hypothesis that the real exchange rate's appreciation in Peru and the export revenues related to the production of coca were strongly associated between 1985- 1990. This theory is based on the ...
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    • Proyecto de constitución 

      Chirinos Soto, Enrique; Sardón, José Luis (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 1994-07)
      This document contains the Proposed Constitution that congressman Enrique Chirinos Soto presented to the Constitutional Congress. It is not an alternative Constitution. Its aim is not to change the views of congressional ...
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    • La crisis del Sistema partidario peruano (1985-1995) 

      Crabtree, John (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 1994-07)
      In this essay the author seeks to examine political development in Peru since the late 1980's, especially since Alberto Fujimori's election as the president of Peru. It focuses on the breakdown of the Peruvian political ...
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    • Dictadura, democracia y desarrollo 

      Olson, Mancur (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 1994-07)
      Under anarchy, uncoordinated competitive theft by “roving bandits“ destroys the incentive to invest and produce, leaving little to be gamed by either the population or the bandits. Both would be better off if a bandit sets ...
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    • La economía cocalera en el Perú: implicancias sobre las migraciones y el medio ambiente 

      Montero, Jorge Luis (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 1995-01)
      The author addresses the problem of determining the scale of the coca economy in Peru and its effects on the environment and inter-regional migration. To do so, he bases his findings on information from the last population ...
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    • Factores que posibilitan el éxito financiero de las pequeñas empresas en el Perú 

      Wong Cam, David; Ugarte, Dora (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 1995-01)
      Small companies are successful to the extent that they know how to coordinate the factors that have a bearing on the achievement of their goals. By studying ten cases in depth, it was possible to establish that the overriding ...
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    • Sistemas “partidocráticos” en crisis. Los casos de Perú e Italia 

      González Manrique, Luis Esteban (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 1995-01)
      The political processes of Peru and Italy share similar trails: the currently irrelevant old political groups that held sway for most of the century in Peru and the collapse of Italy's 'partltocracy'. The emerging of a ...
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    • Determinantes del tipo de cambio real bajo un contexto estabilizador: Perú 1990-1994 

      Zambrano Berendsohn, Mario (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 1995-01)
      The reason for understanding the evolution of the real exchange rate lies in the central importance of this variable to the country's development, especially in the growth of the tradable sector.This research analyzes the ...
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    • La importancia de la tecnología en el desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe 

      Vera-Vassallo, Alejandro (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 1995-01)
      The article looks at three central points of discussion to do with the importance of technology in productive and business development in Latina America and the Caribbean. In the first section, the author attempts to sketch ...
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    • Instituciones y desarrollo económico: las reformas “neoliberales” en América Latina 

      Eyzaguirre, Hugo (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 1995-01)
      Central issues like a suitable institutional context that allows the market to function and the political consolidation of the reforms are discussed in this article. A free market con tributes towards economic growth. For ...
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    • Desempeño financiero de pequeñas empresas: una experiencia universitaria 

      Wong Cam, David (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 1995-07)
      The Pacific University's Management Training Program (PEG), the aim of which is the creation of small businesses, has been implemented for nine years. This article is an attempt to describe and analyze various aspects of ...
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    • La organización de Naciones Unidas: seguridad y desarrollo 

      Mac Gregor, Felipe E. (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 1995-07)
      The article focuses on the work of the United Nations in the light of what its Charter states in relation to international security and peace, and development. On the first point, the author mentions issues like military-backed ...
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    • El pensamiento norteamericano de las relaciones internacionales 

      Parodi Trece, Carlos (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 1995-07)
      This article looks at US foreign relations. The changes that occurred at the end of the 1980s brought new perspectives on theory into discussion, with realism and neorealism at the heart of the debate. The author goes on ...
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    • Fuentes y componentes del crecimiento de la economía peruana, 1950-1990 

      Seinfeld, Janice (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 1995-07)
      Owing to the impossibility of explaining the abrupt changes in the Peruvian economy, especially since 1968, using traditional variables (physical capital and workforce), this piece attempts to do so by applying fresh ones ...
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    • Clasificación de los departamentos en el Perú por análisis factorial y de acumulación 

      Cruz-Saco Oyague, María Amparo (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 1995-07)
      This study utilizes both factorial and cluster analysis techniques to lay out and categorize Peru's departments in decreasing order of development level. The findings show that the chief discrepancies arise in health-related ...
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