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    • Gobierno corporativo en el Perú: contribución para re-enfocar el concepto 

      Martínez Ortiz, Juan José (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2005)
      This paper studies the interactions between majority and minority shareholders and the managers and administrators of Peruvian firms. lt focuses on these interactions by means of the principal-agent problem within a corporate ...
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    • Calidad infantil, trabajo infantil, fertilidad y crecimiento económico 

      Yalonetzky, Gastón (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2005)
      In this paper I study the dynamic implications of household decisions that determine fertility and human capital accumulation with a theoretical model built on that of Hazan and Berdugo (2002). The links between the ...
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    • Huelgas en el Perú: determinantes económicos e institucionales 

      Yamada Fukusaki, Gustavo; Salgado, Edgar (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2005)
      The paper illustrates the pro-cyclical behavior of strikes in the Peruvian private sector with the number of strikes rising with economic growth and falling in periods when the economy is in recession. In the first scenario, ...
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    • De la apatía a la vigilancia: la política del desarrollo energético en el Perú 

      Wise, Carol (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2005)
      The Peruvian government's lack of commitment in promoting the development of energy projects between 1935 and 1990 resulted in budget deficits and a scarcity of priva te investment in that sector. In the 1990s, this situation ...
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    • Generación de riqueza para reducir la pobreza en el Perú 

      Vásquez, Enrique (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2006)
      The average growth of Peru GDP reached 6 per cent during the 2001-2007 period. However this growth was not in parallel with the microeconomic wellbeing. During this years, the poverty rate decreased 2.7 percentage points ...
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    • El Programa de Creadores de Mercado peruano como estrategia de desarrollo del mercado de deuda pública 

      Rodríguez A., Augusto (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2006)
      In recent years, public debt management strategies have been applied in emerging markets so as to reduce debt exposure to financial risks and thereby to adverse external shocks. In Peru, towards the end of March 2003, a ...
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    • Apertura comercial e inversión directa extranjera: el impacto de los tratados de libre comercio en América Latina 

      Ponce Ugolini, Aldo Fernando (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2006)
      Este trabajo evalúa la efectividad de los gobiernos latinoamericanos para atraer la inversión extranjera directa (IED) a través de la política comercial, específicamente por medio de la firma de acuerdos de libre comercio ...
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    • Karl Marx luego de la nueva economía institucional 

      Pagano, Ugo (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2006-07)
      In this paper, we consider the two main causation mechanisms characterizing Marxian theory: the one running from productive forces to relations of production (Marx I) and the other moving in the opposite direction (Marx ...
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    • La economía de la innovación: del legado de los clásicos a la economía de la complejidad 

      Antonelli, Cristiano (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2006-06)
      During the last forty years, economics of innovation has emerged as a distinct area of enquiry at the cross roads of the economics of growth, industrial organization, regional economics and the theory of the firm. It has ...
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    • Partido político peruano: todavía algunas señales de vida? 

      Crabtree, John (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2006)
      More than most Latin American countries in recent times, Peru has seen party voting strength, organisation and loyalties eroded. Since the Fujimori period, however – when parties found themselves under systematic attack – ...
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    • En direcciones opuestas: transición demográfica y de pensiones de vejez en el Perú 

      Cruz-Saco Oyague, María Amparo (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2006)
      Explores how remittances, pensions and health care provided by Padomi, an office with the social security system, may affect the income security and well-being of old people in Peru. The demographic transition is moderate ...
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    • Nivel óptimo de endeudamiento de las empresas mineras del Perú y factores determinantes del nivel de endeudamiento 

      Corro Urbina, Daniela; Olaechea Valdivieso, María del Pilar (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2007)
      The relationship between the investment and financing decisions of a firmand the influence these have in its market value has motivated many of studies that focus on the analysis of capital structure. Such decisions are ...
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    • Sostenibilidad en las instituciones microfinancieras: ¿la regulación hace alguna diferencia? 

      Leveau, Andrea; Mercado, Carla (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2007)
      Microfinance is a tool to solve problems of the limited access to finance services among low-income earners and thereby promote inclusion. It is important that entities offering such services are sustainable, both currently ...
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    • El cluster forestal en Madre de Dios: obstáculos y oportunidades para su crecimiento y competitividad 

      León Cornejo, Daniela; Mego Canta, Paola (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2007)
      The jungle is the habitat for millions of species. Not only does it play an important role in our economy in providing timber and non-timber products, but it also provides such environmental services as carbon sequestration ...
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    • Más allá de lo monetario: cómo evalúan su bienestar los peruanos 

      Collantes, Hector Josué; Escobedo Oblitas, José Carlos (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2007)
      If we consider welfare as a multidimensional phenomenon, we can show that the traditional approach, based on objective indicators and economic determinants, is insufficient. Apart from the positive but imperfect correlation ...
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    • Eficiencia relativa en el gasto de los gobiernos regionales: un aporte al proceso de descentralización 

      Ciquero Ibañez, Victor Raúl; Figueroa Bello, Juan Pablo (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2007)
      If we consider welfare as a multidimensional phenomenon, we can show that the traditional approach, based on objective indicators and economic determinants, is insufficient. Apart from the positive but imperfect correlation ...
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    • Ley de Promoción a la Industria Nacional: distorsiones y gasto en exceso en las compras públicas de medicamentos 

      García García, Jaime E.; Manrique Vidal, Álvaro G. (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2007)
      The purpose of this research is to analyze the effects caused to the state and society by Law 27143 'Ley de Promoción Temporal del Desarrollo Productivo Nacional' with regard to public procurement of medicines. To this ...
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    • El homo economicus: un análisis aplicado para el Perú 

      Huertas del Pino, Andrea (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2007)
      This paper examines the existence of the rational man paradigm on an empirical basis. It also analyzes whether there is a correlation between income levels of the sample and the results. It follows the same methodology ...
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    • Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio: ¿se puede reducir el hambre a la mitad en el Perú? 

      Yamada Fukusaki, Gustavo; Basombrío, Leda (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2008-01)
      This paper assesses the feasibility of Peru achieving the first MDG with respect to the eradication of hunger: specifically, halving the deficit of calorie intake by the population of Peru. To evaluate this possibility, a ...
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    • La (in)viabilidad de la fusión de los programas sociales en el Perú 

      Vásquez, Enrique; Franco G., María del Carmen (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2008-01)
      In spite of the fact that annual social investment in Peru has risen to an average of US$ 1.000 million, the limited efficacy of social programs in Peru generates an annual cost of approximately US$ 90 million plus the ...
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