Apuntes: Recent submissions
Balance estructural y la política fiscal en el Perú: 1990-2002
(Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2002-01)This document presents a methodology for the calculation of the Structural Balance of the Public Sector and its application to the Peruvian economy during the period 1990-2002. There are two objectives for this research ...Acceso abierto -
El problema de la interferencia en comunicaciones inalámbricas: la "solución" regulatoria de EE.UU. y la alternativa de derechos de propiedad
(Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2002-01)The problem of interference in wireless communications was addressed in the U.S. by a command and control system instituted nearly eight decades ago. This system is currently applied in most countries that allow private ...Acceso abierto -
El protocolo de bioseguridad y sus consecuencias socioeconómicas
(Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2002-01)Biotechnology (BT) is a major source of numerous socio-economic and ecological changes and consequences as we are entering the 21st century. The public is almost daily confronted with conflicting stories that encompass the ...Acceso abierto -
Retornos en salud de la población adulta mayor
(Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2002)The oldest people is described as one of the most vulnerable population groups in the country. They require special public attention since there is a weak protection to risks and external changes. The demographic transition ...Acceso abierto -
Acuerdos preferenciales de comercio en el hemisferio occidental
(Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2002)This article analyzes the proliferation of preferential trade agreements in the Western Hemisphere, the main economic and political motivations behind them and the changes that have occurred since the sixties in integration ...Acceso abierto -
Eficiencia de mercado: un estudio empírico en otros países seleccionad
(Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2002-07)This paper surveys three methods for testing the weak form of market efficiency: the autocorrelation coefficient, the variance ratio, and the lead-on-the-lag regression. All of them have different strengths and limitations, ...Acceso abierto -
La importancia de la OMC en los tiempos del ALCA y el TLC: hacia una estrategia de negociaciones comerciales. Perú 2003 - 200?
(Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2002-07)This work is an approximation to a deeper analysis of Peru’s trade negotiations processes, with the aim to develop a medium term negotiation’s strategy. Through the document, the importance of World Trade Organization’s ...Acceso abierto -
Una política de renta básica para el Perú: ¿podrá funcionar?
(Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2002-07)This article assesses the pros and cons of a basic income grant and estimates the financial cost of paying a similar benefit to very specific groups in Peru. This is an old concept in the economic literature and is associated ...Acceso abierto -
Identificación de preferencias adaptables para los productores de café peruanos y colombianos: análisis desde el enfoque de capacidades
(Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2003-07)In the capability approach, there is a consideration about initial distribution ofwealth for assessing well-being, that permits to include individual’s own previousexperience in his income trajectories. Therefore, analysis ...Acceso abierto -
Riesgo crediticio derivado del riesgo cambiario: perspectiva de una economía latinoamericana parcialmente dolarizada
(Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2003)Traditional risk definitions, based on supervisor’s point of view, don’t beholdexplicitly the existence and interaction of other important risks such as derivativecredit risks from other unsecured risk by debtors of bank ...Acceso abierto -
Economía informal e innovación. Una aproximación global al problema
(Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2003)The informal economy affects innovation on multiples ways. On one hand,informality has a positive impact over the innovative activity because it increasescompetition levels and technology diffusion. However, on the other ...Acceso abierto -
La sostenibilidad de la reforma económica en un caso "más probable": Perú
(Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2003-01)A dominant chief Executive with a lengthy tenure, a rubber stamp legislature and increased business-government collaboration characterized the process of economic restructuring in Peru under Fujimori, and made the country ...Acceso abierto -
Efecto del reparto de dividendo en el retorno de la acción en Chile
(Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2003-01)There have been many studies in the field of dividends in the last twenty seven years. The aim of this paper is to contrast the Barclay study (1987), and to complement Venkatesh study (1989). In this research, we conclude ...Acceso abierto -
Intervención cambiaria y determinación del tipo de cambio en el corto plazo: la evidencia peruana
(Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2003)This article explores the main characteristics and stylized facts of the exchange rate behavior in Peru and the Central Bank interventions in the foreign exchange market. In this sense, our aim is to model the monetary ...Acceso abierto -
Valorando los recursos naturales y su incorporación en las cuentas nacionales: el caso minero peruano
(Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2004-01)This study uses the net price method to estimate the depreciation of natural capital and the true net national product of the Peru’s mining sector during the 1992-2001 period. The estimations show that approximately 38% ...Acceso abierto -
Estimación de la disposición a pagar por panela ecológica desde el enfoque del consumo sostenible
(Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2004-01)Estimating the value of the environmental services represents a crucial element in the process of making decisions on the programs and the environmental politics to develop, as well as an orientation instrument for the ...Acceso abierto -
Comercio, manufactura y servicios en Arequipa a inicios de la República
(Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2004-01)The article analyzes the impact produced by the changes in national trade policies in Arequipa’s manufacturing, commerce, and service sectors at the beginning of the Republic. After the Independence, the economic protectionism ...Acceso abierto -
Análisis financiero en incertidumbre: una propuesta metodológica
(Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2004-01)One of the tasks that financial managers must accomplish on a regular basis is the financial analysis of the firm. Although there are many tools available within certainty, stochastic and fuzzy paradigms, it is not clear ...Acceso abierto -
Optimización y simulación dinámica de la especie carachi (Orestias agassii) para el manejo sostenible de la pesca en el lago Titicaca
(Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2004)Three models are developed to analyze fishing of the carachi species in Lake Titicaca (Peru-Bolivia). Using the Bioeconomic Model, in the stationary state, the reference points are found for the maximum sustainable return ...Acceso abierto -
¿Modelos unitarios o colectivos?: Perspectivas teóricas y evidencias preliminares provenientes de Perú
(Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2004-07)The document provides so me theoretical insights around collective models of household decision making and resource allocation. These models, in contrast with unitary ones, consider the consumption decisions of the family ...Acceso abierto