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    • Eficiencia relativa de las empresas distribuidoras de energía eléctrica en el Perú: una aplicación del análisis envolvente de datos (DEA) 

      Bonifaz, José Luis; Santin, Daniel (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2000)
      The aim of this paper is to analyze the technical efficiency of the companies that operated on the electric power distribution sector in Peru from 1995 to 1998. For this purpose we will employ Data Envelopment Analysis ...
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    • Los determinantes del ahorro privado en el Perú y el papel de la política económica 

      Barreda, Jorge; Cuba B., Elmer (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2000)
      The research is about the behavior of private saving in the Peruvian economy and its fundamentals in last half century. On the neoclassical model of growth and some assumptions about the parameters, the authors find that ...
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    • Diferencias departamentales de crecimiento. Un análisis de convergencia para Perú: 1961-1996 

      Odar Z., Juan Carlos (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2000)
      Partiendo de la teoría neoclásica del crecimiento, este trabajo explora si los beneficios del crecimiento experimentado por el Perú, en los primeros años de la década de los noventa, llegarán a sentirse en toda la población. ...
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    • ¿Por qué las autocracias promueven la inestabilidad política y económica?: Perú, 1948-1956 

      Zegarra, Luis F. (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2001)
      Some authors think autocracies, unlike democracies, can follow economic policies that promote private investment and economic growth, without being influenced by demands of some lobbies, which pretend to mantain and expand ...
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    • Consideraciones subjetivas en la medición de la pobreza en el Perú 

      Monge Zegarra, Álvaro; Winkelried, Diego (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2001-01)
      The traditional approaches to measuring poverty use arbitrary assumptions and do not include the relative nature of this phenomenon. The main finding of subjective approaches in this field is that more people tend to ...
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    • Los efectos macroeconómicos de la privatización: un modelo 

      Alarcón Espinoza, Giovann; Yalonetzky, Gastón (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2001)
      During the last decade of the Twentieth century Peru has undertaken a public firms' privatization process involving the transfer of ownership at firms producing intermediate goods to foreign investors. This essay proposes ...
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    • Achoramiento y corrupción en el Perú contemporáneo 

      Medina García, Oswaldo; Zorrilla E., Javier (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2001)
      This essay analyzes the corruption phenomenon occurred during the President Alberto Fujimori Regime. For this purpose, it uses the tentative hypothesis of “achoramiento“, understood as a strategy to achieve social acceptation ...
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    • La esclavitud en el Perú colonial 

      Gómez Acuña, Luis (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2001-01)
      Slavery was the easiest form to obtain free labor. With certain masquerades, slavery still exist in some places of the Earth today. Its origin is too early. In the Modern Era, slavery was identified with African slavery. ...
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    • Crecimiento, equidad y pobreza 

      Peñaranda Castañeda, César (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2001-01)
      The paper discusses in general terms the problem of equity and poverty at international level and in more profound and specific way the case of Peru. The paper has been organized in four sections, the first one presents a ...
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    • Mercadeo social y consumo de micronutrientes en Bolivia: el caso de Vitaldía 

      Cortez, Rafael; Yalonetzky, Gastón (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2001-07)
      Social marketing means the designing and implementation of strategies aimed at promoting an idea or supporting a certain consumer behavior with philanthropic purposes. Ultimately, it seeks to fostering a consumer choice ...
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    • La dolarización y sus efectos sobre la solidez del sistema financiero peruano 

      Jiménez Sotelo, Renzo Antonio (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2001)
      El Perú es una economía parcialmente dolarizada donde el 70% de la liquidez del sistema financiero ha estado en dólares durante casi una década. La mayor parte de los salarios y bienes transados (poder adquisitivo) están ...
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    • ¿Están subvencionados los aceites vegetales argentinos? 

      Fernández-Baca, Jorge (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2001)
      The peruvian producer of vegetal cooking oil are trying to deter the entry of imports coming from Argentina, claiming that these products have a 10% subvention from the Argentinian Government and that this subsidy allows ...
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    • Comercio exterior y estructuras productivas en América del Norte 

      Aroche-Reyes, Fidel (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2001-07)
      This paper evaluates the role that the external sector plays in the US and Mexican economic structures in the perspective of the integration process as found about the time the North American Free Trade Agreement was signed. ...
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    • Estructura arancelaria y localización de inversiones: el Perú en la década de 1990 

      González Vigil, Fernando (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2001-07)
      This article analyzes the effects of trade policy on the patterns of location of foreign direct investment (FDI) by country and sector. Particular attention is paid to FDI in manufactures, for which the market size is a ...
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    • Salud y derechos sexuales y reproductivos de las mujeres asháninkas del río Ene 

      Cavero Mogollón, Giovanna (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2002-01)
      The epidemic profile in our country shows a series of problems that affect mainly the health of women and that in most cases is a consequence of gender inequity and poverty. This together with a loss of their right to their ...
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    • Balance estructural y la política fiscal en el Perú: 1990-2002 

      Ormeño S., Arturo (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2002-01)
      This document presents a methodology for the calculation of the Structural Balance of the Public Sector and its application to the Peruvian economy during the period 1990-2002. There are two objectives for this research ...
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    • El problema de la interferencia en comunicaciones inalámbricas: la "solución" regulatoria de EE.UU. y la alternativa de derechos de propiedad 

      Viani, Bruno E. (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2002-01)
      The problem of interference in wireless communications was addressed in the U.S. by a command and control system instituted nearly eight decades ago. This system is currently applied in most countries that allow private ...
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    • El protocolo de bioseguridad y sus consecuencias socioeconómicas 

      Müller, Frank G. (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2002-01)
      Biotechnology (BT) is a major source of numerous socio-economic and ecological changes and consequences as we are entering the 21st century. The public is almost daily confronted with conflicting stories that encompass the ...
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    • Retornos en salud de la población adulta mayor 

      Cortez, Rafael; Zavala L., José (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2002)
      The oldest people is described as one of the most vulnerable population groups in the country. They require special public attention since there is a weak protection to risks and external changes. The demographic transition ...
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    • Acuerdos preferenciales de comercio en el hemisferio occidental 

      González Vigil, Fernando (Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de Investigación, 2002)
      This article analyzes the proliferation of preferential trade agreements in the Western Hemisphere, the main economic and political motivations behind them and the changes that have occurred since the sixties in integration ...
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